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Content Status
Lorianne avatar
Written by Lorianne
Updated over a week ago

To help you manage any internal work connected to incoming reviews and Q&As, all content pieces have a content status.

Content status can be changed for any review or Q&A both from the REVIEWS page and the PRODUCT DASHBOARD view for any product.

By default, each review or Q&A is marked as an Open Ticket.

Additional statuses can be seen in the Status filter drop down of the REVIEWS page search bar.

Content status definitions:

  • Open ticket: The default status. Similar to Investigating, this marks a review or question that’s not yet resolved.

  • Investigating: Used to mark a review or Q&A as one you’re investigating and will return to.

  • Resolved: Used to mark a review or Q&A as one you’ve responded to and consider closed.

  • Can’t resolve: Used to mark a review that has been investigated but cannot be resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

  • Refunded: Used to mark a review that resulted in a customer refund.

  • Replied: For a product Q&A XREF (or review if applicable), this status indicates that a public reply has been posted.

  • Unreplied: Marks a product Q&A (or review if applicable) that has not yet received a reply.

  • Other: Used when none of the above status apply.

To change the status of a review or Q&A, first expand the content details by clicking the arrow at the right. Below the review or Q&A text, change the status in the first field on the left as desired.

When statuses are assigned, you can use them to filter content searches on the REVIEWS page.

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