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Graphs & Charts
Lorianne avatar
Written by Lorianne
Updated over 2 years ago

The Graphs & Charts page offers robust custom reporting of all your rating trends. It is found under the REPORTS tab in the top navigation menu.

Quick article overview

In Graphs & Charts, you can see and explore rating trends with a wide variety of customization. Some of the most popular reports include:

  • Viewing one product’s star-rating and review rate performance over time.

  • Viewing a product category’s star-rating and review rate performance over time.

  • Comparing retailers’ star-rating and review rate performance for the same products.

  • Comparing competitors’ star-rating and review rate performance.

Most users use Graphs & Charts as a starting point for discovering positive and negative trends, sometimes causing a large positive or negative impact on sales. Next, go to Word Analytics to quickly identify the cause of trends. There, you can quickly see the most mentioned topics (positive or negative) and take corrective action to address problems and lift sales or protect existing positive drivers of sales.

Check out this case study example and see how neglecting review and rating trend data caused one company an estimated 87.5% decrease in sales.

In this article, we’ll cover each of the below sections of the Graph & Charts page:

  • Search bar

  • Overall Ratings

  • Rating Distribution

  • Sentiment Distribution

  • Total Ratings by Site

  • Average Ratings by Site

  • Trending Keywords

  • Exporting data

  • Scheduling emailed custom reports

Search bar

All data for all sections of the Graphs & Charts report are controlled by the inputs selected in the search bar.

Filter results by:

  • Timeframe: 7 days, 30 days, 6 months, last year, all time, custom date range

  • Retailer: Select one or more retailers at a time

  • Brands: Select one specific brand, all of your own brands, or all competitor brands

  • Tag: Select one specific product tag

  • Categories: Select one specific product category

  • Products: Select one specific product by name

When your desired custom criteria is selected, click CREATE. All rating trend data will populate in the several below reports. Click CLEAR to reset the data back to the default view, which is all retailers, all brands, all products for the past 7 days.

Note that some retailers display syndicated reviews. Syndicated reviews are collected by a 3rd party review collection partner, then displayed on multiple retail sites. Some users prefer to remove syndicated reviews from reports made here since they are counted multiple times.

To remove syndicated reviews from your report, toggle the syndicated review switch to OFF in the top left corner. Toggle it back to ON (highlighted blue) to include all syndicated reviews in your reports.

Overall Ratings

Above the Overall Ratings bar graph, you’ll find quick totals for the search criteria entered in the search bar. This includes numbered items 1 through 6 below. Numbers 7 and 8 show even more detail.

Let’s look at what each numbered item is from the above screenshot:

1. Sentiment emoji: A green smiling emoji indicates an average rating of 4 stars or higher, a yellow neutral emoji means an average rating between 3 and 4 stars, and a red frowning emoji is for an average rating of less than three stars.

2. Totals: The top line shows the total number of ratings. The number below in parenthesis is the total number of ratings with review text. Some retail sites (like Amazon) collect star ratings without review text, which is why these two numbers are different for some reports. The last number is the total number of Q&As for the search criteria.

3. Average star rating: This is a composite calculated star rating across all products and retailers selected by the search criteria.

4. Rating & review distribution: This is the total number of 5 through 1-star ratings received during the selected timeframe.

5. Sentiment distribution: These are the total positive (5-stars), neutral (4-stars) and negative 1-3-stars received during the selected timeframe.

6. NPS: The calculated percentage of net promoters.

7. Overall Ratings bar graph: The blue bars indicate the average star rating for the indicated period (such as day, week, month). The orange line indicates the overall rating for all-time reviews. Think of it this way: Anytime a blue bar is above the orange line, ratings are above average. Any time a blue bar is below the orange line, ratings are below average.

TIP: Watch for ongoing stretches of time with below average ratings. That may signal an ongoing problem to investigate in Word Analytics potentially tied to a bad batch of products or sales cycles such as holiday shopping seasons. Also watch for downward trends of the overall rating (orange line).

8. Overall ratings details: Here, you’ll find exact numbers that correlate with the overall rating bar graph.

Rating Distribution

Scrolling down below Overall Ratings, you’ll find the Rating Distribution graph on the left.

This chart shows the volume of ratings received over the selected timeframe, broken down by star rating.

TIP: Paired with your review of the star rating trends in Overall Ratings, it is important to also view the volume of reviews received in this graph. Why? Perhaps you have one month with a significantly low star rating average. If in that same month very few reviews were received, this may not be an issue to be concerned about. However, if the volume of reviews in the Rating Distribution graph is high and star ratings in Overall Ratings are low for the same timeframe, that is a strong signal of a problem. Watch the segment 1:58 - 4:19 on this case study video for an awesome example of discovering a product with a spike in negative reviews.

Sentiment Distribution

Just to the right of the Rating Distribution graph, you’ll see the Sentiment Distribution graph.

This chart also shows the volume of ratings received over the selected timeframe. However, it is broken down by sentiment: positive (5-stars), neutral (4-stars) and negative 1-3-stars.

This view is helpful to see the contrast of promoters (5-stars) and detractors (1-3-stars) used in the NPS calculation.

Total Ratings by Site

Scrolling further down, you’ll find the Total Ratings by Site, on the left. This pie chart gives you a percentage distribution of all ratings across all selected retailers and timeframe in your search criteria.

TIP: Comparing the “market share” of your reviews can help you evaluate the performance of your retail partnerships against one another.

Average Ratings by Site

Just to the right of Total Ratings by Site, you’ll find the Average Ratings by Site graph. This report displays all selected retailers in your search criteria against each other by:

1. Total number of reviews

2. Average star rating

TIP: Rank your retail partners’ review performance. When viewing data in this graph for one specific product, or a group of products you know is sold on all selected retailers, you can now rank your retail partners from best to worst. Make two rankings, one by review volume (most reviews to least), and another by star rating (highest average rating to lowest average rating). Why is this helpful? Contrasting these two ranking lists with sales data for each retailer is possible to uncover correlating profitability of your retailer partnerships. It is likely that the retailer with the lowest average star rating and fewest reviews is also selling less of your product than other retailers. Evaluating topic mentions in Word Analytics such as “customer service”, “return policy” “[retailer name]” may uncover some things you can address with the retail partner to increase sales for both you and them.

Trending Keywords

At the bottom of the Graphs & Charts page, you’ll find Trending Keywords. This is a high level view of trending positive and negative topics found in all reviews for the set search criteria. It can help you quickly discover possible associations with positive and negative trends found in the above graphs.

To dive deeper into each keyword, go to Word Analytics and enter the same search criteria.

Exporting data

Back up at the very top of Graphs & Charts, there are two easy options for exporting data from Graphs & Charts: Downloads .CSV and PDF.

Downloads .CSV: This option gives you an excel export of ALL 25+ possible data points for every review and Q&A, based on the selected download criteria. (Not all data points are available from all retailers.)

First, clicking Downloads .CSV takes you to this dedicated downloads page, where you enter the desired criteria for your export.

Once your criteria is selected, click CREATE. Then click the Download button under Status to access your export. Your raw export will look similar to this:

TIP: More types of custom analysis can be performed using this raw exported review data. Check out this competitor case study where review data identified which models within a product family were rated best and worst and were selling most and least. This type of competitor analysis is helpful when conducting market research for entering a new product category or launching new features to existing products.

PDF: This option gives you a printed PDF view of the full Graphs & Charts page, with your selected search criteria.

TIP: Sharing this quick PDF export with team members and leaders makes it easy to see what is trending.

Scheduling emailed custom reports

Also at the very top of Graphs & Charts, click Schedule to have specific reports emailed to you automatically.

First, click Schedule, which takes you to this dedicated email scheduling page.

There are two time frame options to choose from: last 24 hours or last 7 days. Next, select all the desired report criteria. You can choose to receive the .CSV download or the PDF version of Graphs & Charts.

When you have your preferred settings selected, click GENERATE.

You will now begin receiving an email with the selected report every Monday morning.

TIP: Set emailed reports like this for specific products, categories, retailers or competitors that you’d like to keep a close watch on. Set up as many custom reports as desired to be emailed to you.

To turn off these weekly automated email reports, click the garbage can icon. You will no longer receive the weekly emailed report for this selection.

What if someone else needs to receive an automated report by email?

> If you are the Admin User for your account:

  1. Set up a new user (see the article Manage Users),

  2. Login under their account

  3. Set up the desired report scheduling as instructed above

*Note: If a team email address is used to set up an account, all recipients on the team’s email will receive weekly report emails as set up under that user account.

> If you are not the Admin User for your account:

Ask your Admin User for assistance or contact the team for help at [email protected].

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